KKC Slalom team once again represented yorkshire at the National Interclub Championship Finals which are held at Cardinton near Bedford each year. The annual event gives the top slalom clubs in the country the opportunity to race each other head to head. 22 teams enter this year, with 12 paddlers…

The slalom season is drawing to an end but there is still plenty to do! I will be running some beginner training suitable for those who have not raced or reached Division 3. Any of you who entered the mini slalom are welcome along with any other paddlers who would…

It’s that time of year again – time to clean the outdoor pool. All help gratefully accepted next Saturday and Sunday between 9am and 4pm on the 17th and 18th July. Even if you can only spare any hour come down you will be welcomed. Great day out – fun…

Here is the form for the HCA event for the October event at Sleningford Mill / Ripon Anyone with wishes to help out with the coaching /leading, please let know Have a good summer 🙂 Stuart Teal Downloads: HCA App form Oct 2010