Yes its that time again already! Hull International Canoe Polo Competition is here. Princes Quay Come down to Princes Quay this weekend (2nd/3rd July) and see the club teams in action against teams from all over the country. From 8am onwards both days! Links Event website
Results Name Club M/F Age BCU No. DIV Time Posn Clair Medina KKC F 17 126297 8 38mins 43secs 1 Ramezanali Abdi Tazehabadi KKC M Vet Day Ticket 9 36mins 05secs 1 Pete Lawton Pennine M Vet 206624 9 38mins 58secs 2 Alex Lowthorpe KKC M 12 256977 9 41mins…
Nominations for all Committee posts welcome. 8pm to 9pm in the club house. All members welcome.