
Monday 3rd May 2010 For the Inexperienced Paddler Driffield to Brigham or North Frodingham. Meeting at Driffield 12 Noon to shuttle cars to North Frodingham. For the Experienced Paddler Leaving Hempholme Lock on the River Hull @ 10.00am going to Driffield Riverhead and back (Approx 12 miles) You will require…

Halloween Party at KKC

Kingston youth saw the end of 2009 with not only the club social, but their own celebrations for both Halloween in October and the annual Christmas party. Preparations for the Halloween party took place on the Thursday, and by Friday the 30th October, the upstairs club house had been transformed…

There is a plan to go to the Tees Valley to stay at the Kingsway Centre at Middleton on 27-28th Feb 2010 for a weekend of social boating (personal development for the coaches) The accommodation is close to Middleton, so we can book a meal at one the pubs there…