
Driffield Navigation Annual Paddle – Monday 2nd May 2011 For the Experienced Paddler Leaving Bethalls Bridge on the River Hull @ 10.00am going to Driffield Riverhead and back (Approx 12 miles) You will require a packed lunch and hot drink for stop off at Driffield. For the Inexperienced and younger…

Sue is arranging a trip to HPP on the 6/7 August. This is open to anyone as there are opportunities for flat water paddling, as well as differing levels of white water. Great camp site with plenty of space and facilities. There are also other sports available close by so…

It’s that time of year again – time to clean the outdoor pool. All help gratefully accepted next Saturday and Sunday between 9am and 4pm on the 17th and 18th July. Even if you can only spare any hour come down you will be welcomed. Great day out – fun…