Flat Water

Monday 3rd May 2010 For the Inexperienced Paddler Driffield to Brigham or North Frodingham. Meeting at Driffield 12 Noon to shuttle cars to North Frodingham. For the Experienced Paddler Leaving Hempholme Lock on the River Hull @ 10.00am going to Driffield Riverhead and back (Approx 12 miles) You will require…

Pocklington Canal

Thanks to the generosity of club members paddling at pocklington canal on sunday 21st march 2010 we were able to donate £50.00 for the sport relief mile. Pocklington Canal Thanks to everyone who gave. Meg

This challenging canoe race allows you to race your heart out whilst marvelling at the wonders of the industrial revolution. The race route runs anticlockwise from near Macclesfield along the Macclesfield canal to Marple then follows the Peak Forest, Ashton and Rochdale canals into Manchester joining the Bridgewater canal at…