Articles by adavies

The club needs more qualified Polo referees in order to understand the rules, referee games and be able to attend National and local level polo tournaments with qualified referees on the website! We have arranged a Polo Theory test (Grade 3) to be held at the clubhouse on Sunday 7th…

On 1st November Dave Rawding will be running a beginners’ white water coaching session.  This will be suitable for anyone’s first time on white water; you need to have paddled outdoors before and be happy to wear a spray desk. We will be meeting at the Club House to organise…

On 25th October Kingston Kayak Club Coaches will be running a river trip and training session suitable for the more advanced white water paddler.  We will be meeting at the Club House at 8:30 on 25th October.  The trip will be on the River Washburn near Blubberhouses, Harrogate. Washburn is a…