Membership for 2016-17 is now due. As discussed at the AGM, membership fees will remain the same as last year along with session fees. If for any reason these need to be reviewed, a EGM will be called. Please could all members renew before 1st June, after this date you…
Articles by adavies
Unfortunately Colin passed away peacefully on 24th April after an illness that he had fought bravely. Colin played a significant part in establishing canoe polo in the Humberside area. Both his children Steve and Alison played in the men’s and ladies Humbersiders Teams. These teams comprised the best players from…
Membership will be due from 1st May 2016 and should be received at the very latest by 31st May 2016. Following this grace period those who have not paid their membership will be required to pay the non-members rate. The price of membership will be ratified at the AGM on…
Dear Members Kingston Kayak Club’s AGM 2016 will be held on 11th April 2016, 7:15pm at the Club House. All members are requested to attend. We will discuss and voting on: The Committee for 2016/17 The Accounts Membership & Subscription Fees and any other motion put before the AGM. If you…
On 18th April I will be running an information session at the Club to look at your first step onto the Coaching ladder. Anyone interested is welcome to attend. We will cover: Pre-requisites Costs Funding Opportunities What is involved There will be two session 6:30pm and 7:00pm so hopefully you…